
Hui Hopper 2

Hui Hopper 2

Season 2 of Hui Hoppers is now streaming on TVNZ+

Check out Jackson Burling in this crack up, Kiwi-as comedy!

Kia ora!

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day

"Romance is DEAD"

We are so excited to see our own James Gaylyn in this gory rom-com slasher!

Check out 'Heart Eyes' in cinemas now.

Actor of the Year 2024

Actor of the Year 2024

Massive Congratulations to the wonderful Bronwyn Turei who was named Actor of the Year at Ngā Whakarākei O Whātaitai 2024 / Wellington Theatre Awards 2024!

With a career spanning 20 years, this is a much deserved accolade and we are so proud of Bronwyn.


n00b Beginnings

n00b Beginnings

The popular TikTok series n00b has escalated to the small screen, debuting on TV Three and ThreeNow!

Congratulations to Tom Knowles, Joni Watson, Peter Feeney and Darien Takle on their roles!

Television Personality of the Year

Television Personality of the Year

A huge congratulations to Bella Kalolo-Suraj for winning TV Personality of the Year at the 2024 New Zealand Television Awards.

We couldn't be more proud of beautiful Bella. She is a wonderful talent and delightful person who brings joy to every room she steps into.

Ka rawe!

My Dream Green Home

My Dream Green Home

Our talented, gorgeous and hilarious Rhiannon McCall is the host of the new sustainable DIY reality series My Dream Green Home.

Rhiannon and her Green Team help everyday Kiwis transform their homes and lives to become more sustainable, sharing tips and tricks we can all use for a better future.

Check it out on Wednesday nights at 7:30pm on TVNZ1, or stream anytime on TVNZ+.

Honouring a Screen Legend

Honouring a Screen Legend

We couldn't be more proud to see GINETTE MCDONALD's decades long career honoured and archived by NZ On Screen.

Check out The Ginette McDonald Collection HERE.

Winning at WIFT

Winning at WIFT

Congratulations to the fantastic Marianne Infante on her recognition at last weeks WIFT Awards 2024! She was awarded with the following:

SAE Award for Outstanding Newcomer
Presented to Marianne Infante for excellence in performance and advocating for minority voices to be recognised on stage and screen.

As a constant champion of others, it's marvellous to see her acknowledged for her work on and off the stage and screen!

"Representation on Screen in Aotearoa"

"Representation on Screen in Aotearoa"

Mustaq plays an important figure on and off screen.

"If you look at Uncle Faizan's character arc, his function in the show is slightly comedic and offers a different perspective to the younger people," says Mustaq. "He represents - in a heightened way - the views of the people of his generation which are still extremely important. But younger generations will often challenge that. This is a good thing. Every generation should be better than the one that preceded it."

- Viva Magazine

Miles From Nowhere

Miles From Nowhere

Miles From Nowhere is now streaming on NEON

A huge congratulations to KR Actors Mustaq Missouri, Ahmed Youssef, Richard Lambeth, Claire Dougan and Stuart Shacklock. It's always a pleasure to see you on the small screen.

The Boy, The Queen and Everything in Between

The Boy, The Queen and Everything in Between

We couldn't get through Pride Month without shouting out this beautiful, unique and hilarious show.

The Boy, The Queen and Everything in Between is a groundbreaking piece of television in Aotearoa. It's perfectly cast, well acted and and absolute joy to watch. Check it out on TVNZ+ and support this queer kaupapa.

Special mention, of course, to Stephen Lovatt's beautiful work on this show. It can't be overstated enough how important it is to see positive representations of parents of transgender children in NZ.

Fingers cross for season 2!

Bruce Mason Award

Bruce Mason Award

A big mihi to our wonderful actor Tainui Tukiwaho (Te Arawa, Tūhoe) who took home the Bruce Mason Playwriting Award at the end of 2023.

His latest play The Sun and the Wind was acclaimed on premiere in Wellington last year and appears shortly as part of Auckland Arts Festival 2024.

Here is is with his son Te Rongopai accepting the award!

Wellington Theatre Awards

Wellington Theatre Awards

The Wellington Theatre Awards took place last night and there was a heavy KRA presence in the nominations this year.

Massive congratulations to Finley Hughes who took out the Most Promising Newcomer award!

The rest of our KRA whānau who were nominated are as follows:

Sean Rivera - New Playwright of the Year

Tuakoi Ohia - New Playwright of the Year

Tainui Tukiwaho - New Aotearoa Play & Actor of the Year / Outstanding Performance

Lauren Gibson - Actor of the Year / Outstanding Performance

Amber Curreen - Director of the Year

Raised By Refugees S2

Raised By Refugees S2

The latest season of Raised by Refugees is available to stream now on Neon!

Tune in to catch the wonderful Maza White, Mustaq Missouri and Monish Anand hard at work.

Congratulations to the whole team on a funny and heartfelt second season!

After The Party

After The Party

Brilliant, gritty drama After The Party premiered on our small screens last month to great acclaim.

The wonderful Jonathon Hendry and Bella Kalolo-Suraj join the stellar cast.

Check it out now on TVNZ+!

NZTV Awards

NZTV Awards

A huge congratulations to Luke Bird for his 'Television Personality of the Year' nomination at the New Zealand Television Awards for his mahi on Lucky Dip on the Road.

Check out all the finalists and cast your vote here.

Good luck Luke!

The Voice Australia

The Voice Australia

We couldn't be more proud of our incredible Ezra Williams for wowing the judges in The Voice Australia.

Ezra turned two judges chairs in the blind audition rounds and chose Jessica Mauboy to be her coach.

We can't wait to see Ezra bring the house down again in the next rounds. She is a true superstar.
Check out Ezra's blind round audition here.

The Brokenwood Mysteries Season 9

The Brokenwood Mysteries Season 9

The Brokenwood Mysteries is back for its 9th season!

Cristina Ionda returns in her core cast role as Gina Kadinsky, Brokenwood's resident Pathologist, as well as Roy Ward, Ascia Maybury, Tom Knowles and Peter Feeney reprising their roles in the Brokenwood community.

Season 9 is available to view on TVNZ+.

Force of Nature

Force of Nature

Ferndale welcomes "Hurricane Selina" to the Street.

Bella Kalolo-Suraj is bringing her unstoppable energy to Shortland Street playing Selina To'a, sister to core cast character, Villiami To'a (Theo Dāvid).

We can't wait to see what she has in store.

Sweet Tooth S2

Sweet Tooth S2

The latest season of Sweet Tooth is hot off the press and features several KR Actors, including:

- Matt Baker

- Alison Quigan

- John Rawls

- Connor Amor-Bendall

All episodes streaming on Netflix now!

Shortland Street Castings

Shortland Street Castings

KR Actors' lovely and talented Clementine Mills has hit the small screens as new surgical intern Quinn Cox on Shortland Street. We are so excited to see what NZ's premier soap has cooked up for her character.

As well as our core cast members Marianne Infante and Theo Dāvid, we couldn't be more proud of all of our actors who have walked the halls of Shortland Street in 2023 so far (listed below).

- Stephen Lovatt
- Ben Porter
- Connor Amor-Bendall
- Darien Takle
- Helen Corry
- Kellie-Michelle Cheung
- Lydia Buckley
- Haanz Fa'avae-Jackson
- Brigit Kelly
- Matt Halliday

Globetrotting Thriller

Globetrotting Thriller

A huge congratulations to Roseanne Liang who has been slated to direct the iconic, global stars, Halle Berry and Angelina Jolie in the new action-thriller Maude vs. Maude.

Red, White & Brass

Red, White & Brass

If you haven't seen Red, White & Brass get along to a cinema ASAP. So much heart and plenty of laughs!

A huge congratulations to KR Actors' hilarious and talented Haanz Fa'avae-Jackson, we couldn't be more proud of you.

Straight Māfana!

Award Winner

Award Winner

The wonderful Tatiana Hotere won a sweep of awards for her show Skin Hunger at the 2022 Fringe Awards, including:

Outstanding Individual Performance - Theatre: Tatiana Hotere

Outstanding Writer: Tatiana Hotere

Outstanding Overall Director: Director: Romy Hooper

Pannz Auckland Fringe Awards: Pitching - Skin Hunger

Skin Hunger was on again recently as part of the Summer at Q season this year!



She's more than a toy. She's family.

M3GAN is currently delighting and horrifying people around the world. Catch our Kira Josephson in a cinema near you now!

My Life is Murder

My Life is Murder

My Life is Murder Season Three is jam-packed with KR Actors. Congratulations to Stephen Lovatt, Nisha Madhan, Ginette McDonald and Darien Takle!

All seasons streaming on TVNZ+ now!



Shantaram is streaming now, starring our very own Alvin Maharaj! Based on the novel of the same name and set in 1980's Bombay, this show is set to thrill.

Check it out on Apple TV+ now!

The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power

The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power

We love seeing a familiar face in a trailer! Go Kip!

Season One of The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power is now streaming on Amazon Prime. Check it out to see Kip Chapman, Josh Metcalfe and Andrea Bruce hard at work.



The funny and heartwarming sequel to Sione's Wedding is out now and loaded with KR Actors! Congratulations to Bella Kalolo-Suraj, Kurt Uta'i-Laurenson, Brigit Kelly, Helena Easton and Haanz Fa'avae-Jackson.

Full season of Duckrockers on TVNZ+ now!

Theatre in 2022

Theatre in 2022

It's been a wild ride over the past few years for live events, but our actors have weathered the storm and triumphed!

Shout out to the theatre companies for looking after our actors so well: Silo Theatre, Auckland Theatre Company, Circa Theatre, The Court, Indian Ink, Te Pou Theatre, The Basement and all our independent friends too.

Special mentions go to Stephen Lovatt and Sophie Henderson in The Writer; Bella Kalolo-Suraj, Lauie Sila, Italia Hunt, Daya Sao-Mafiti, Siana Vagana and Haanz Fa'avae-Jackson in Dawn Raids; Jonathan Martin, Alvin Maharaj, Haanz Fa'avae-Jackson and Mustaq Missouri in North By Northwest and so many more.

Congratulations also to Keagan Carr-Fransch who directed Seven Methods for Killing Kylie Jenner for Silo Theatre.



16 stolen missiles. One interceptor...

Check out Interceptor on Netflix now, starring our very own Mayen Mehta.

Bring on the action!

KRA turns 30!

KRA turns 30!

What a night and what a journey!

At the end of 2022 we celebrated 30 years since the inception of the agency.

A big thank-you to all our actors, and congratulations in particular to Kathryn herself!


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